discussion groups


Join our Telegram Group

“The Bloodroot and Black Salve Discussion Group”

Join our Twitter Group

“Zenith Herbal Bloodroot Group”

Zenith Herbal Community Groups

Rules and Etiquette in our Groups

Tired of censorship on Facebook?

We’ve made a big decision! We’ve decided to stop posting on Facebook. Our goal is to avoid any potential issues with Facebook’s “policy violations” and keep things more open.

Instead, we’re going to switch to using free-speech platforms such as Twitter and Telegram. Don’t worry, though. We’ll still keep our current Facebook and MeWe groups for reference purposes. However, we won’t be actively moderating those groups anymore.

We hope you’ll appreciate the freedom that these new platforms offer. It’s an exciting change, and we can’t wait to see you there!

Here are the links to these groups: