Mammogram Risks vs Thermograph

The article on Zenith Herbal's website compares mammography and thermography for breast cancer detection. It argues that despite advancements in mammography, mortality rates from breast cancer remain unchanged. The article raises concerns about the risks associated with mammography, including radiation exposure and potential spread of cancer cells, and suggests thermography as a safer, non-invasive alternative that can detect abnormal patterns years before they are visible on a mammogram.

Why You Should Choose Thermography over Mammography

=1000X Xrays


By Dr. Veronique Desaulniers

Thermography now offers Very Early Detection

Mammograms? The compression and radiation (X-ray x 1000) to the breast can harm your body. We need to note that despite supposed advancements, mortality rates from breast cancer are unchanged over the last fifty years.

A few facts about mammography:

1.) Mammograms may increase the spread of cancer cells as a result of the compression of small tumors not yet visible on an x-ray.

2.) Since when is radiation safe? A mammogram delivers more than 1000 times the radiation of a chest X-ray.

3.) Studies have shown that if you have a family history of cancer, repeated mammograms may very well increase the possibility of cancer.

4.)  A 25-year study concluded that routine mammography is only as effective in detecting breast cancer as a self-breast exam.

5.) After all is said and done, mammograms have NOT reduced Breast Cancer mortality.

Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging

also known as Thermography, can detect abnormal breast patterns 5-8 years before it is visible on a mammogram. Thermography is a painless, non-invasive, state-of-the-art clinical test of physiology that is used as part of an early detection program. Infra-red heat is measured with a special camera and the images are captured electronically. These are then analyzed by a Medical Doctor who specializes in analyzing and reading Thermographic images.